May 13, 2013

Why am I not surprised

I didn't post about the heinous Ariel Castro -- the Cleveland, OH man who kidnapped three local women and kept them captive for over ten years. Enough other people were wallowing in that cess-pit. Something not mentioned in the news just broke today. From Oleg Atbashian at American Thinker:
Ariel Castro, Cleveland Kidnapper, Is a Registered Democrat
According to voter registration records, Ariel Castro, the Cleveland kidnapper, is a registered Democrat. He was also the alleged leader among the three Castro brothers, who were arrested this week, and the owner of the house at 2207 Seymour Ave., where the three abducted local women had been kept in captivity for over a decade.

Why is this important? Whenever a crime or a scandal captures national attention, the pattern in the mainstream media is to either identify the culprit as a Republican or hold silence -- in which case we can rest assured that the culprit is a Democrat.

When the identity or the party affiliation is yet unknown, the pattern is to speculate publicly about the possibility of the criminal being a conservative, Christian, white, Republican, and a Tea Party member -- and never that he could be a Hispanic Democrat voter playing bass in a meringue band.
I never cease to be amazed by people like this -- there is no graceful exit strategy to their crimes. They should be the first to see this but yet they continue. Posted by DaveH at May 13, 2013 8:40 PM