June 7, 2013

A new dawn approaches

Velociman knocks it out of the park:
A Redress of Grievances
That was, and is, the crime of the Tea Party groups. They are loose, and unaffiliated. When anyone attempts to wrest control of the Tea Parties at any level above the community they are whipsawed, and lashed.

That was the fearful thing. That is what keeps Obama awake at night. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of assembly and the right to redress grievances not as a sop of government, but as a natural right of man. From God, if you will. The Tea Parties were actually fomenting during the Bush bailout leading up to the 2008 election. They have never been specifically anti-Obama. Merely anti-spending. And yet they have been targeted and reviled as mutants, and racists.

The great thing about the IRS hearings is not that some apparatchiks will go to prison, although that seems inevitable. The great thing is that a month ago everyone was afraid of the IRS. They were truly the faceless long arm of the law, who could destroy you with impudence. The tax laws are constructed so that almost anyone can be deemed a criminal. That's the fucking idea. Not a bug. A feature. Now, however, the IRS is held in such disdain, I can envision people blowing off audits, and sending FUCK YOU texts to the IRS.

The revenue arm has lost all moral authority. Among all conservatives and a large percentage of liberals. You can't audit everyone. You cannot imprison everyone. The preference cascade has arrived. We are no longer afraid. And the beast is wounded. Time to finish it off.

I envision passive resistance against arbitrary audits, lawyering up amongst those that can afford to counter-sue individual agents, and a huge increase in like-kind bartering and any other method of starving the beast of fuel.

Depriving the Leviathan of money fuels is not only not sustainable, it ultimately imperils national security. So that cannot obtain on an extended basis. A sacrifice must be made. Lambs and goats must be slaughtered. Even a callow fiend like Obama knows that. And he is not exactly known for protecting the inconvenient imperiled beneath him.

This is huge. Bigger than Shay's Rebellion. Bigger than the Haymarket riots. Possibly bigger than Little Rock. I certainly don't want to see any IRS auditors get bricked in the head by their neighbor. But I wouldn't mind seeing a fuckload of early retirements to avoid prosecution.

This is huge.
And that is: early retirements to avoid prosecution, not 30 days of administrative leave and then transfer to another agency. We need to break the cycle. The idea that this might provide the impetus for implementing a Fair Tax is wonderful. Posted by DaveH at June 7, 2013 10:36 AM
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