June 7, 2013

Now this will be interesting - NSA and Anonymous

From Gizmodo:
Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents
In the wake of last night’s revelation that everyone in the world has a creepy NSA-shaped stalker, defenders of online liberty and generally angry internet people Anonymous have leaked a treasure trove of NSA documents, including seriously important stuff like the US Department of Defense’s ‘Strategic Vision’ for controlling the internet.

The documents — 13 in total — were posted online, along with an accompanying message full of the normal Anonymous bluster: people won’t be silenced, they have the memory of trivia-master elephants, the governments of the world will fall, your average press release really.
I love it -- technology has gotten to the point where the Genie is out of the bag. For all the shit they can do to us, a few motivated and well-placed individuals can do the same shit right back at them. Fun (and scary) time to be alive. A few parting words: Tor (free - open source), Hushmail (free for minimal personal use, $50/year for Premium services - closed source), do not enable Flash or Quicktime on your browser, consider using a Linux dual-boot system or boot from a thumbdrive. Posted by DaveH at June 7, 2013 9:05 PM