July 11, 2013

And of course they walk free - Solyndra

From Reuters:
Exclusive: Criminal charges against Solyndra founder are unlikely - sources
The founder of bankrupt solar panel maker Solyndra will likely avoid criminal charges even if charges are brought against other former executives of the company, according to several people familiar with the investigation.

Christian Gronet founded the company in 2005 and was its chief executive until 2010.

Solyndra filed for bankruptcy protection in 2011 after receiving $528 million in federal loans. Its demise triggered a criminal probe into what Solyndra told federal authorities during the loan application process, along with intense criticism from Republican lawmakers who opposed the Obama Administration's efforts to support the green energy sector.
Sure, the underlings will serve time but the higher-ups, the people who funneled money to Obama's campaign? They walk free. Our nation is really starting to resemble 1950's East Germany... Posted by DaveH at July 11, 2013 8:22 PM
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