July 18, 2013

Chicago - the way to fix gun violence

Chicago has the most draconian gun restrictions of any city and it has the highest instance of gun violence and murder. The way to fix this? Ratchet the laws even tighter. From Yahoo/Reuters:
Chicago toughens ban on assault weapons amid violence
The Chicago City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to toughen its existing ban on assault weapons by adding more types of guns to the banned list and imposing stiffer fines for violations of the law.

The nation's third-largest city is facing a wave of gang-related gun violence. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago police have struggled to reverse the trend that has persisted even after they put more police on patrol in some neighborhoods.
A bit more:
Chicago's ban applies to a specific list of weapons with certain features. They include: any semiautomatic rifle or handgun that is capable of accepting a detachable magazine and has at least one military feature; any shotgun that is capable of accepting a detachable magazine, has at least one military feature, or has a fixed capacity of more than five rounds; and any weapon with a fixed magazine of more than 15 rounds.

Among the features defined as "military" are telescoping stocks, pistol grips, grenade launchers and barrel shrouds, according to the mayor's office.
This does nothing but highlight the cluelessness of the Chicago City Council -- the weapons being used for the murders are cheap handguns, not rifles or shotguns. There would be a lot less violence if the thugs knew that there was a good chance that their target might shoot back... Posted by DaveH at July 18, 2013 3:53 PM
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