July 21, 2013

Obama's accelerated global warming

Our Prez has been recently talking about how global warming is a key issue and how we must stifle regulate our economic growth carbon production or else. A nice distraction from all the problems of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and NSA, lil' Trayvon, the jobs numbers, the economy, etc... Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley points out some inconvenient truths about Obama's claims. From Watts Up With That:
Ten years of �accelerated global warming�?
During the July 2013 U.S. Senate hearing at which Roger Pielke Jr. and Roy Spencer gave stellar testimony to the visible discomfiture of the climate-extremist witnesses, none of the �Democrat� Senators and none of the people they had chosen to testify before them was at all anxious to defend Mr. Obama�s assertion that over the past decade global warming has been accelerating at an unforeseen rate.

At a fund-raiser for the �Democratic� Congressional Campaign Committee in Chicago May 29, he had said, �We � know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.� He had added, �I don�t have much patience for people who deny climate change.�

Well, I deny that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago. But I deny it not because I take an aprioristic position opposite to Mr Obama�s aprioristic position, but because science is done by measurement, not by parroting the Party Line. And the measurements do not support the Party Line.
Monkton delivers quite a detailed and thourough analysis of all of the observed Earth temperatures and all of the predicted climate models. The upshot can be seen in this graph:
The lower bound of the orange zone is the IPCC�s low-end projection. Warming should be occurring at a minimum of 1.33 C�/century. The thick bright red line is the IPCC�s mid-range projection: warming should be occurring at 2.33 C�/century.

The real-world trend, represented by the thick bright blue trend line, shows global temperatures declining since January 2005 at a rate equivalent to almost a quarter of a Celsius degree (half a Fahrenheit degree) per century.

You may think that going to the trouble of producing so many graphs is overkill. Yet when I first spoke up at the U.N. climate conference in Doha and pointed out that there had been no global warming for 16 years the delegates were furious. So were the news media. One reason for their unreason: they simply did not know the facts.

One would have thought that among all the hours of hand-wringing on the air and pages of moaning in print about �global warming�, most of the news media would be faithfully reporting the monthly temperature anomalies. But no. The facts do not fit the Party Line, so they are not reported. They are consigned to the Memory Hole.

As for Mr. Obama�s statement about �acceleration�, he was plain wrong. Instead of the warming equivalent to 2.33 C�/century global warming that had been �anticipated�, there has really been no change in global temperature at all over the past five or ten years.

Will somebody tell the �President�?
Sad -- criminal even -- that so much effort, time and expense are going down this rabbit hole for naught. This is a false argument, a non-starter. We should instead be taking measures to deal with the coming cool period. One of the commenters reminded me of this great quote:
Just as compulsory primary education created a market catered for by cheap dailies and weeklies, so the spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
--Sir Peter Medawar
Posted by DaveH at July 21, 2013 4:40 PM
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