July 2, 2013

Under my plan � electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket

Barry said this in January of 2008:
And it looks like he is getting his wish -- from CNS News:
Electricity Prices Highest on Record for May
The price of electricity in the United States for May was 13.1 cents per kilowatt hour (KWH), which is the highest it has been on record for that month, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which tracks the price going all the way back to 1984.

Thirteen cents per KWH is the highest price for the month of May in 29 years, according to the BLS numbers.

These price data come at a time when President Barack Obama has announced a �new national climate action plan� to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to combat alleged man-made global warming and spend more federal money on �clean energy� projects.

The coal industry, which produces about 45% of the electricity in America is expected to be the hardest hit by the federal regulations, raising its costs and the cost of electricity for consumers. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said that Obama�s plan is �a war on America� because the regulatory burden and costs will severely damage the U.S. coal industry.
And the stupid thing is that this hits the poor and low income people the hardest. They do not have the money to pay for the increase in food costs, the increase in utility costs, the increase in gasoline prices, etc. The middle class tighten their belts and the rich just write it off as cost of doing business. Obama is supposed to be all about the poor people isn't he? All he is doing is trapping them in a web of dependency -- not giving them the tools to lift themselves out of poverty. Give them the free cheese and tell them that it will be taken away if they don't vote Democrat. Up in the Pacific Northwest, with over 50% of our energy coming from hydro, we are paying over 15 cents per kilowatt hour (KWH) as of my last statement. All those new wind turbines cost money (and I am not enrolled in the even more expensive green energy program)... Posted by DaveH at July 2, 2013 8:53 PM