August 28, 2013

Anthony Weiner hits bottom, keeps digging

From the National Review:
Report: Weiner Hiring Supporters
In an effort to rally support for a dwindling campaign, Anthony Weiner�s camp has been paying actors to stand as supporters, according to a source close to the deal. The New York Post reports that Weiner allegedly hired Crowds for Demand, a California firm, shortly after his second sexting scandal broke last month.

The source told the Post that Weiner surrogates ask that actors appear �like either supporters or people who met him and became supporters as a result of that encounter,� including asking the candidates questions at events and then noticeably approving of his answers and acting convinced. Actors were also asked to confront hecklers, but the firm refused to put actors in potentially dangerous situations for liability reasons. Actors were reportedly paid $15 per hour.
That guy is absolutely pathetic. If he gets elected, the people of New York really deserve what they get. Posted by DaveH at August 28, 2013 1:48 PM
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