August 9, 2013

Fun times in Egypt - McCain and Graham

From Raymond Ibrahim at PJ Media:
MSM Blackout? Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood
In the eyes of tens of millions of Egyptians, Senators John McCain�s and Lindsey Graham�s recent words and deeds in Egypt � which have the �blessing� of President Obama � have unequivocally proven that U.S. leadership is aligning with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egyptian media is awash with stories of the growing anger regarding this policy.

A top advisor to Egypt�s Interim President Adly Mansour formally accused McCain of distorting facts to the benefit of the Brotherhood. He dismissed McCain�s recent remarks as �irrational� and �moronic.� Ahmed al-Zind, head of the Egyptian Judge Club, has called for the arrest and trial of McCain for �trying to destroy Egypt.� The leader of the youth movement Tamarod (meaning �Rebellion,� against the Brotherhood), which played a major role in mobilizing the June 30 revolution, said: �We reject John McCain and call on the international community to let the [Egyptian] people decide their own fate.�
A bit more:
Most offensive to Egyptians � and helpful to the Brotherhood�s cause � is McCain�s insistence on calling the June 30 revolution a �military coup.� In reality, the revolution consisted of perhaps thirty million Egyptians taking to the streets to oust the Brotherhood. McCain is either deliberately misconstruing the event, or believes the story as told by Al Jazeera and Ambassador Anne Patterson.
Lots more at the site. McCain is Republican in Name Only. I thank him for his service but he is useless as a Senator and needs to retire gracefully. Posted by DaveH at August 9, 2013 12:30 PM
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