August 5, 2013

Stupid criminals

Great story from the excellent Not Always Right:
They Should Have Stolen Some Intelligence
(Three shoplifters run out of the store with a bunch of liquor. Our Loss Prevention agent has been watching them, and manages to catch the one holding most of the liquor, but the other two get away. Later in the night, the police come. One officer goes upstairs with the shoplifter, while the other takes quick statements from us. Suddenly, the two other shoplifters who had run off earlier came back inside.)

Shoplifter: �Hey, is our friend still here?�

(I quickly look at the cop right behind me.)

Me: �Uh, yeah, he�s upstairs.�

Shoplifter: �Sweet, can one of you guys go upstairs to get him or something? He has our pot.�

(The cop and I share an incredulous look, while the two shoplifters just stand there.)

Cop: �I think you�re gonna need to come with me.�

(The officer took the shoplifters upstairs, where they were all arrested for possession.)
Heh... Posted by DaveH at August 5, 2013 5:55 PM
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