September 26, 2013

A rally in Washington, D.C.

From Stop Watching Us
About the rally
Right now the NSA is spying on everyone's personal communications, and they�re operating without any meaningful oversight. Since the Snowden leaks started, more than 569,000 people from all walks of life have signed the petition telling the U.S. Congress that we want them to rein in the NSA.

On October 26th, the 12th anniversary of the signing of the US Patriot Act, we're taking the next step and holding the largest rally yet against NSA surveillance. We�ll be handing the half-million petitions to Congress to remind them that they work for us -- and we won�t tolerate mass surveillance any longer.
More from the Electronic Frontier Foundation:
Time to Speak Up Against the NSA�s Mass Spying
This summer, some of our worst fears and suspicions about the NSA have been confirmed. We now have evidence that the NSA is actively undermining the basic security of the Internet. It is collecting millions and millions of phone records of individuals not suspected of any crime. It is surveilling journalists.

The NSA�s overreaching surveillance is creating a climate of fear and chilling free speech. Its addiction to secrecy makes real accountability impossible.

But there�s a movement forming to change all of this. And we're about to take the next step.
Good -- let's hope that hundreds of thousands of geeks show up. Send a strong message that this violation of our 4th Amendment rights is not tolerated. Posted by DaveH at September 26, 2013 3:38 PM
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