September 6, 2013

Obama's history

From Ann Barnhardt -- an excerpt:
Obama is the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood is run out of Saudi Arabia. Obama was Khalid al Mansour�s boy and Mansour got Obama into Harvard Law and the Saudi �royal� family paid his way per Percy Sutton.

The Saudis and the Russians almost certainly have the goods on Obama�s identity. Obama is their boy, hence the bowing and scraping to both the Saudi �king� and to Putin. The Obama regime almost certainly supplied the Muslim Brotherhood, which is al Qaeda remember, with chem weapons which they then used to mass-murder civilians in order to create optics that would justify U.S. action �against Assad�. Hmmm. I�m getting the weirdest deja vu here. Oh, yeah! Remember when the Obama regime supplied arms to the Mexican drug cartels which were then used to mass-murder civilians in order to create optics that would justify suspending the Second Amendment? OH MY GOSH, Y�ALL. It�s almost like it�s the same strategy, or something. Eyeroll. Would you people wake the heck up already?

The Saudis have wanted Assad deposed forever. Obama, acting as their proxy, is creating the optics to put the U.S. military (such as it is) to work for the Muslim Brotherhood/Saudis. Cui bono? The Saudis and the Russians, Obama�s two likely funders and backers (in his youth) and blackmailers (today), are the two biggest nation-state beneficiaries in all of this. And of course the banksters who can always use war to consolidate power and confiscate more wealth.

Assad was ahead and had traction in his civil war. Why in the world would he bait the U.S. when things were going his way? It makes zero sense. By the way, Assad is evil, too. There are NO �good guys� in any of this, including the former United States. It�s all bad guys all around. What a satanic clusterbungle.
Percy Sutton has the story:
Nice to know the back-story and it explains a lot of Obama's ideology and actions. The video is from August 2008. Sutton was 88 at the time and died the next year. Posted by DaveH at September 6, 2013 9:49 PM
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