October 9, 2013

An interesting metric

From The Washington Post:
The conservative shift in public opinion has happened in all 50 states
Recently on this blog, Larry Bartels drew attention to an astonishing fact: the public is as conservative as it has been in 50 years. To highlight this point, Professor Bartels presented the public�s policy mood � James Stimson�s measure of public support for government programs�from 1950 to 2012. In a recent article, Julianna Koch and I generated measures of policy mood for each state from the 1950s to 2010 (our measures our here). What we found is that the conservative opinion shift Professor Bartels highlighted repeats itself in every state.

The figure below presents one illustration of this pattern. Here we compare the policy mood in each state in the early 1960s (hollow dots) and in the early 2000s (solid dots). Higher values indicate a more conservative policy mood. In each instance, the solid dot is to the right of the hollow dot, suggesting that the public�s policy mood has moved in a conservative direction in every state. Furthermore, most of these increases are statistically significant.
More faster please... Posted by DaveH at October 9, 2013 5:12 PM
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