October 19, 2013

Color me surprised - LA Times and climate "skeptics"

From FOX News:
LA Times bans letters from climate skeptics
The Los Angeles Times is giving the cold shoulder to global warming skeptics.

Paul Thornton, editor of the paper�s letters section, recently wrote a letter of his own, stating flatly that he won't publish some letters from those skeptical of man�s role in our planet�s warming climate. In Thornton�s eyes, those people are often wrong -- and he doesn�t print obviously wrong statements.

�Simply put, I do my best to keep errors of fact off the letters page; when one does run, a correction is published,� Thornton wrote. �Saying �there�s no sign humans have caused climate change� is not stating an opinion, it�s asserting a factual inaccuracy.�

What amounts to a ban on discourse about climate change stirred outrage among scientists who have written exactly that sort of letter.

"In a word, the LA Times should be ashamed of itself," William Happer, a physics professor at Princeton, told FoxNews.com.
In other words, they are finally admitting what they have been doing for the last ten years or so -- now that the wheels are coming off the CAGW buss and that the much vaunted models are proving to be horribly inaccurate when compared to actual measurement. Stick a fork in it -- it is done. (The LA Times and catastrophic anthropogenic global warming) Posted by DaveH at October 19, 2013 12:03 PM
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