October 30, 2013

Not a surprise

With his incompetence and ineffectual leadership, it is no wonder that Obama slips a notch or two. From Breitbart:
Putin Topples Obama in Forbes Power Ranking
Having outfoxed him on Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pipped Barack Obama to the title of the world's most powerful leader as ranked by Forbes on Wednesday.

It was the first time in three years that the US president has dropped to second place on the magazine's list and came as US-Russia relations slid to a new low.

Putin, who has enjoyed 13 years of dominant rule over Russia, was again elected president in March 2012.

Obama, on the other hand, has just emerged scathed from an embarrassing 16-day US government shutdown caused by a budget and debt crisis in Washington.

"Putin has solidified his control over Russia, while Obama's lame duck period has seemingly set in earlier than usual for a two-term president -- latest example: the government shutdown mess," wrote Forbes.
It took about ten years for Jimmy Carter to be fully realized as the bumbling fool he was. It will be interesting to see what the popular media will say about Barry ten years after the end of his pResidency... Posted by DaveH at October 30, 2013 9:22 PM
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