October 9, 2013

Now this is interesting - Dianne Feinstein's guns

Famous gun grabber, Senator Dianne Feinstein recently displayed a bunch of so-called assault weapons at a January 24 Capitol Hill press conference. This was in no way legal. From The Washington Times:
MILLER: Smoking gun exposed- D.C. police chief covers up giving Feinstein illegal �assault weapons�
Washington Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier seems to think that gun-control laws don�t apply to the liberal elite. The police chief helped Sen. Dianne Feinstein acquire �assault weapons,� which are illegal to possess in the District, for a news conference early this year to promote a ban on these firearms, then tried to cover up the police involvement.

Now, a response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals Chief Lanier�s shocking willingness to bend the rules for partisan and ideological purposes.
A lot more at the site -- this is big. Cover-up and corrupt. Laws for thee but not for me... Posted by DaveH at October 9, 2013 10:29 PM
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