October 29, 2013

Yahoo - progress today

Lulu's knee is looking a lot better -- swelling is going down. She can load-bear for a bit but I am keeping her off her feet so to let it heal fully. She is very active so sitting in the recliner watching TV and reading is slow torture for her but she understands the need to do this for a few more days. Just got confirmation emails from both the state Department of Licensing and the IRS that my new business venture is legit. Heading into town tomorrow to open the bank account and order telephone service. Also, won a small WA State surplus auction that will prove beneficial. The round trip to Olympia will cost more in diesel than what I paid but good stuff was purchased. Cooked up some left-over pot-roast into a beef noodle soup for dinner -- time to do some surfing! Posted by DaveH at October 29, 2013 8:56 PM
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