November 23, 2013

A bad technology manifesto

Excellent words from Karl Denninger over at The Market Ticker:
Why You Should NEVER Buy Anything With...
... with a non-user-replaceable battery.

Especially if it's expensive and something you actually need to be engaged in something you like (or worse, need) to do.

The reason? You're buying something that has a pre-determined self-destruct built into it.

I've said this before but I also have broken this rule in the past.

Maybe you can learn from my $1,800 mistake.
The only thing I have without a user-friendly replaceable battery is my WalMart $19.99 TracFone cell phone. After about a year, the battery is not holding a charge for more than a few hours of idle so I keep it plugged into the car and only unplug it when I am in Bellingham at a store or something. Karl's experience is about a technical diving decompression computer -- something that should be 110% bulletproof and user serviceable. I can not imagine what it would have been like to be at 400 feet and have the thing go out on you. At least he discovered the dead battery when he tried to recharge it in his house. Comments are worth reading -- links to some "interesting" stories... Posted by DaveH at November 23, 2013 9:06 PM
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