November 16, 2013

Barry doing what Barry does best - taking credit for something he did not do

From Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit:
In Weekly Address Obama Takes Credit for US Oil Boom �That He Had Nothing to Do With
In his weekly address, President Obama took credit for the booming energy sector in the country.
From the White House:
One area where we�ve made great progress is American energy. After years of talk about reducing our dependence on foreign oil, we are actually poised to control our own energy future.

Shortly after I took office, we invested in new American technologies to reverse our dependence on foreign oil and double our wind and solar power. And today, we generate more renewable energy than ever � with tens of thousands of good, American jobs to show for it. We produce more natural gas than anyone � and nearly everyone�s energy bill is lower because of it. And just this week, we learned that for the first time in nearly two decades, the United States of America now produces more of our own oil here at home than we buy from other countries.

That�s a big deal. That�s a tremendous step towards American energy independence.
However, the truth is that Barack Obama actually cut oil and gas permits since he came into office. In fact he has the worst record on granting permits than any president in recent years.
Jim then cites data from the Institute for Energy Research that directly contradicts what Obama is saying. Jim also cites the Energy Information Administration which reports that the total fossil fuel production on federal lands is at a ten year low. Pants on fire... Posted by DaveH at November 16, 2013 3:50 PM
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