November 6, 2013

Not required to ask

Stupid rules in Obamacare -- from The Washington Examiner:
Health care law allows hiring convicted felons as Obamacare navigators
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a Senate panel Wednesday that there are no safeguards in place that would prevent convicted felons from becoming "navigators" for the new health care law implementation.

"That is possible," Sebelius told Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who asked her about felons being hired for the job.

Health care navigators are certified counselors hired to help consumers and small businesses with the application process for, the health insurance exchange website.

Navigators, according to, are trained to help consumers complete eligibility and enrollment forms, which include sensitive personal information including Social Security and financial information.

Under current law, there is no federal requirement for a background check, though states can require it, Sebelius said.

"So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual, unbeknownst to them," Cornyn asked Sebelius during the hearing.

"That is possible," she answered.
They would never do it -- what with the public opinion being so low -- but they should toss the entire thing out on its ear and re-write it, website and all. I hope the people in San Francisco will remember Pelosi's comment about "having to pass the bill before we can find out what's in the bill". Posted by DaveH at November 6, 2013 9:01 PM
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