December 20, 2013

Fritzing - Electronic Design Automation

I have designed a number of circuit boards over the years for various projects at work or home. One of the problems is capturing the schematic and translating that into the layout for a circuit board. In the 1990's I sprung for OrCAD - $1,500 but I was doing a lot of custom electronics in Seattle. I subsequently tried to upgrade to their Windows version but the company had been sold to another company (Cadence Design Systems) and they had no record of my initial purchase so no upgrade. $1,500 down the rat-hole. Grrrrr... I was working for a company that had EDA software and was able to use that after hours. I have since gotten out of board-level electronics experimentation but have felt the urge to dip my toes in the water again for some audio projects (electronic music). There is a decent EDA tool for Linux. Just ran into Fritzing -- have not checked it out but it seems to have the basic tools I need plus a couple other cool features. The latest version was uploaded on December 17th, 2013 so it is under active development. I'll be trying it over the next couple of weeks and will report back... Posted by DaveH at December 20, 2013 9:59 PM
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