February 9, 2014

A market for everything - crack pipe vending machines

From Canadian media network CTV:
Vancouver home to Canada's first crackpipe vending machines
Vancouver is the home to Canada's first-ever crackpipe vending machines, which were installed in the city�s troubled Downtown Eastside in a bid to curb the spread of disease among drug users.

Portland Hotel Society's Drug Users Resource Centre operates two of the machines. They dispense Pyrex crackpipes for just 25 cents.

"For us, this was about increasing access to safer inhalation supplies in the Downtown Eastside,� Kailin See, director of the DURC, told CTV Vancouver.
Hard core drug use is a major problem -- what do you do to stop the cycle? There is already a large progressive market for taking care of these people after they have fallen but the way to prevent them falling -- great job opportunities, a vibrant economy and happy culture are the domain of the fiscal conservatives and small government advocates. No way in hell would the entrenched progressives let that camels nose slip under the hem of their tent. Meanwhile, the progressives spend more and more money with little or no actual results. Posted by DaveH at February 9, 2014 12:37 PM
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