February 11, 2014

Praxis - hiding a gun

Useful information from Claire Wolfe:
Hiding a gun -- The rules of three
My friend Jack pulled the car into a grassy clearing. We donned rubber boots, fetched a metal detector and digging tools from the trunk, and headed off along a game trail. Our mission: To dig up and test fire a pistol Jack had buried years ago.

The trail disappeared into a wetland, which Jack crossed with confidence. The muddy water was only about six inches deep where he walked, but I couldn't see the bottom so I waded gingerly after him. It was at this point I discovered that my borrowed waterproof boots � weren't. I squished along after Jack. By the time I emerged onto dry land, he was standing well ahead of me, next to the stump of an old cedar that had been logged a hundred years ago.

"It's buried right here," Jack told me confidently. "Between this stump and that sapling."
A good read. Claire writes for Backwoods Home Magazine This is my hands-down favorite of all the back-to-the-land magazines. Mother Earth News used to be good but it has slacked off and now just feeds the imaginations of the urban B.T.T.L. wannabes... Posted by DaveH at February 11, 2014 11:58 AM
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