March 11, 2014

John Kerry as seen from a European perspective

Lubo� Motl is a Physicist from the Czech Republic and had these words to say about our Secretary of State:
John Kerry, climate, and constants of human behavior
Back in 2004, I probably didn't know most of the things about John Kerry and his way of thinking that I know today. Today, it looks utterly insane to me that so many people in the U.S. � and perhaps 95% of Harvard faculty � would vote for this guy who is completely detached from reality.

Today, Kerry declined a meeting with Putin. It's probably not an important enough work for the U.S. Secretary of State these days. Or perhaps, Kerry believes that Putin will be so sad that he isn't allowed to meet Kerry that he will order all the Russian and Crimean troops and self-defense units to commit seppuku. After Putin suggested a meeting with Kerry, Kerry rejected it and his spokesgirl explained the step by saying that Kerry first wants to see evidence that Russia wants to be engaged in diplomacy. Huh!? ;-)

The events around Ukraine are not sufficiently interesting for Kerry so he just revealed his #1 priority: over the weekend, all U.S. diplomats were ordered to press case for "climate action". It's apparently not enough that no one else than the U.S. Secretary of State seriously believes the decadent postmodern religion about the need to "fight climate change". All U.S. diplomats will probably be required to unanimously parrot this complete pseudoscientific idiocy, too.
A bit more:
Is it OK for the U.S. Secretary of State to be incompetent in all this "art of geopolitics" because we already live in a new world where none of these things is needed anymore? Have all these things become history? They haven't. Conflicts keep on emerging, wars keep on being fought, and so on. The idea that the people's and nations' sentiments, desires, and decisions to transform desires to reality has fundamentally disappeared sometime in the 21st century or earlier is a postmodern kitsch. For a politician, this postmodern kitsch is nothing else than a lazy schoolkid's excuse that "his dog ate his homework" from geopolitics.
There is a lot more at the site -- Lubo� recounts a lot of the recent (200+ years) history of where he lives as well as going back to the original Pax Romana. Putin is laughing at Obama and Kerry and Clinton and, by these proxies, us -- We The People. Time to get him to stuff that smile where the sun doesn't shine. It is curious to note that the only way that Russia can function as a world power is if the price of oil stays above $80/barrel. The sale of energy to Europe is their primary source of revenue (Russia sources 34% of Europe's energy needs with Norway sourcing 35%). If we tapped our resources, added 0.033% more to our existing network of pipelines (Keystone XL) and started exporting, we would lower the cost of oil to well below that number and quickly bring Mother Russia to heel. Instead, we actually give credence to our half-wit cultural Marxists and keep voting them into office. Hillary wanted a reset with Russia. That reset is going to hit here at home. Hard and with no lube. Posted by DaveH at March 11, 2014 9:25 PM
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