March 21, 2014

Life in the people's paradise of Detroit

From The Detroit News:
Detroit plans mass water shutoffs over $260M in delinquent bills
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department has a message for Detroit residents and companies more than 60 days late on their water bills: We�re coming for you.

With more than half of the city�s customers behind on payments, the department is gearing up for an aggressive campaign to shut off service to 1,500-3,000 delinquent accounts weekly, said Darryl Latimer, the department�s deputy director.

Including businesses, schools and commercial buildings, there are 323,900 Detroit water and sewerage accounts; 164,938 were overdue for a total of $175 million as of March 6. Residential accounts total 296,115; 154,229 were delinquent for a total of $91.7 million.

The department halts cutoffs through the winter because of complications associated with freezing temperatures, such as damaged pipes. But this spring, a new contractor has been hired to target those who are more than two months behind or who owe more than $150 � twice the average monthly bill of $75.
Half of the accounts are delinquent. 52% of residential accounts. Don't these people have any care for the consequences of their actions? This is what years of Progressive, Democratic and Union management does. Every. Single. Time. Wisconsin was a Progressive state and it elected Conservative Governer Scott Walker. Walker has been in office less than four years and has brought the state out of a deficit, passed a $504 million tax-cut and is thinking about ending the State Income Tax. That is how you do it... Posted by DaveH at March 21, 2014 1:55 PM
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