March 4, 2014

Oh this is priceless

From The Hill:
Green group accuses GOP of 'environmental racism'
House Republicans are being accused of �environmental racism� by an environmental group that argues GOP efforts to reform decades-old chemical laws would disproportionately harm minority groups.
Shimkus argues his bill would free up resources to focus on the most dangerous chemical threats, but the liberal Environmental Justice Health Alliance says it would end up hurting minority groups by moving resources away from policing the threats in their neighborhoods.
OK - so we now have two rules. #1) - Any University course that has the word "Studies" in its description is irrelevant. #2) - Any Organization that has the word "Justice" in its name is irrelevant. These people are so stupid and foolish. They actually think they are doing good work when all they are doing is manufacturing work for lawyers and massive quantities of CO2 Posted by DaveH at March 4, 2014 10:26 AM
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