March 27, 2014

Out tax dollars at work - NSF's Musical

From The Daily Caller:
Feds spent $700,000 on a climate change musical
It looks like the National Science Foundation has been handing out grants for some unorthodox research projects, according to House Republicans.

This includes $700,000 in funding for a climate change musical.

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith questioned White House science czar John Holdren in a Thursday hearing over whether or not the National Science Foundation (NSF) should have to justify its use of taxpayer dollars to fund projects. Smith pointed out some examples of questionable projects the NSF has funded.
  • $700,000 on a climate change musical
  • $15,000 to study fishing practices around Lake Victoria in Africa
  • $340,000 to examine the �ecological consequences� of early human fires in New Zealand
  • $200,000 for a three-year study of the Bronze Age around the Mediterranean
  • $50,000 to survey archived 17th Century lawsuits in Peru
  • $20,00 to look at the causes of stress in Bolivia
�The Administration�s willful disregard for public accountability distracts from the important issues of how America can stay ahead of China, Russia, and other countries in the highly-competitive race for technological leadership,� said Smith, a Texas Republican.

�All government employees and their agency heads need to remember they are accountable to the American taxpayer who pays their salary and funds their projects,� he added. �It is not the government�s money; it�s the people�s money.�
John Holdren is an idiot and a Malthusian but I repeat myself. My Dad was a physicist and I remember when the National Science Foundation funded real science and not politically correct gestures. Posted by DaveH at March 27, 2014 4:16 PM
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