April 11, 2014

Resistant starch

Lulu and I like to eat good food and this is starting to show in my gut. I was at 160 for a long long time but I have grown and am now at 185. I used to be over 200 about 20 years ago so this is not age related. I have no desire to go on a crash diet so I have been looking at 'hacking' my metabolism. Some people have been researching resistant starches -- these are starches that the human body will not digest but are readily consumed by the flora in your large intestine. Potato Starch from your grocery store is a perfect example and two heaping tablespoons stirred into a small glass of water is a proper dose. There is no taste and the only bad thing is that it leaves the mouth feeling 'sticky'. A simple rinse and that is taken care of. Here is an excellent presentation from some Australian researchers:
Richard Nikoley has been working on this subject and recording the results. Posted by DaveH at April 11, 2014 5:34 PM