April 2, 2014

Suck it up hippies :)

From the Atlanta, GA CBS affiliate:
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters
Vegetarians may have a lower BMI and drink alcohol sparingly, but vegetarian diets are tied to generally poorer health, poorer quality of life and a higher need for health care than their meat-eating counterparts.

A new study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria finds that vegetarians are more physically active, drink less alcohol and smoke less tobacco than those who consume meat in their diets. Vegetarians also have a higher socioeconomic status and a lower body mass index. But the vegetarian diet � characterized by a low consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol that includes increased intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products � carries elevated risks of cancer, allergies and mental health disorders.
Explains a lot. I was vegetarian for about seven years and the initial year was OK but I started catching colds and was not running on all cylinders. That first bite of the tuna sandwich left me feeling euphoric... Posted by DaveH at April 2, 2014 10:49 AM
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