April 5, 2014

The Mozilla kerfuffle

The news has spread around the web by now. The Chief Executive Officer of Mozilla was ushered out because, in 2008, he had contributed $1,000 to California's Proposition Eight -- defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Prop. 8 passed with a 52% majority. What is interesting is the overwhelming commentary on the Mozilla website. A few entries:
  • I am posting this from Chrome. Firefox is gone, and shortly, Thunderbird will be gone as well. A commitment to diversity and openness that means firing someone for contributing to a campaign that was no extremist that a majority of even Californians voted for it? Firefox Fascism: diverse and tolerant, except if you don't bad the Gaystapo point of view.

  • Just one more former customer/user of firefox expressing my extreme disappointment in the "resignation" of Mr. Eich. You people make me sick. While you're at it, may as well just re-code your browser to block all websites you don't approve of.

  • I have used Firefox exclusively for as long as I can remember. I tell everyone about it, and help them download it. Now I found out that if you are like most of the country, and do not believe the definition of marriage should be changed, that firefox doesn't want us around. Strange that a company that professes to champion free speech would work so hard to silence those of us, the majority of the country in fact, who choose not to change our ideology to conform with those who would...

  • I am gay and I am not offended by what Mr. Eich did. I don't like where this company is going with this-this country. It's a damn shame and I will no longer use Mozilla products. Thank you.

  • I just wanted to let you know that I have removed Mozilla Firefox from my computer. I have always been very happy with your service, but when I heard about the choice to force out Brendan Ike for supporting an organization that supported his personal views on gay marriage I had to make my own stand. I believe that he, and everyone else, has the right to express their views on such matters. That right was given to us in the 1st amendment. I am aware that many other people will and have made...

  • I strongly disagree with your former CEO's views, but to see someone pilloried for their personal beliefs is disturbing. Firefox is gone from all my machines, replaced with Chrome. I won't be back, and will encourage others to do the same.

  • The company forced a person out because of personal beliefs - so much for be open and inclusive.

  • You should have followed the Corporate example of Chick-fil-A, instead of knuckling to a dating site that I've never heard of. Dan Cathy was attacked WAY harder & with more intensity than You were, and he stood up for his Freedom of Speech, and AMERICA stood up for him. The Gay Gestapo tried so hard to punish Chick-fil-A for their CEO's beliefs, and it backfired in a huge way. They went on to set sales records during that time, and have recently taken over as the #1 Fast Food Chicken Outlet...
Posted by DaveH at April 5, 2014 6:25 PM
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