October 14, 2004

The Third Presidential Debate

Gordon at Dog Snot Diaries has what I would consider to be the best wrapup on the debating styles of President Bush and wanna-be J. Kerry: bq. I'll tell you what though. After having watched John Kerry over the last month I've come to a realization. Despite that he comes across as aristocratic and haughty, the man is an excellent communicator and seems well groomed for such formal debate as we've seen over the last two weeks. I can easily understand how people can be allured and even swooned by not neccessarily what - but how he presents bq. BUT, I'm not here to put a man in office based solely on his poise. Rather, I take what the politicians have to say based on face value and for lack of a subtler way of putting it - John Kerry's full of shit. Almost all the plans and promises his campaign is built upon are in direct contradiction to his voting record over the last 22 years. How can anyone contest that? Two short paragraphs and he nails it... Posted by DaveH at October 14, 2004 1:55 PM