July 3, 2007

Alfred Hitchcock film techniques

A nice list of 12 film techniques used by Hitchcock. From Borgus:
How to turn your boring movie into a Hitchcock thriller...
Borgus.com - We've put together a list of the most significant film techniques that were used by Alfred Hitchcock. This information comes out of many books and interviews from the man himself and his been simplified for your consideration.

This page is mostly for filmmakers who are sad and depressed because their movie is so average that nobody will watch it. Stop crying and pay attention. What is written here will save your career (at least until tomorrow morning.) However there is no cure for a bad producer - there may be no help for you!
Good stuff -- Hitchcock's work is just as watchable (and scary) today as it was when it first came out. I saw The Birds when it first came out and it scared the bejeesus out of me. Posted by DaveH at July 3, 2007 10:34 PM