May 11, 2013

Long day

The ham radio show was fun -- met some people from my area and looked at a lot of cool equipment. Came home without anything though -- the items I was looking for were either trashed or overpriced. Swung through Bellingham and got the pressure canner -- it was an especially nice deal as the store was running a Mother's Day 20% off on all kitchenware. Picked up the canner and a bunch of boxes of Ball jars. I was a bit concerned about the price but checked Amazon and the local store was only $40 above the Amazon price and with the 20% off, I saved money. The hops rhizomes were a bust but did get some fresh yeast. Had dinner in town and then stopped for two pints at my favorite brewpub. Also picked up the last of the plants for the garden -- some cukes, peppers, squash and a few more 'maters (some Romas and a couple more heirlooms). Posted by DaveH at May 11, 2013 7:56 PM
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