May 10, 2013

Lurch as Sec. State

Not having himself a fun time -- from Michael Ledeen at PJ Media:
The Humiliation of John Kerry
The secretary of state was back in Washington on Thursday, begging the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to take it easy on the poor Iranians. Enough with the sanctions, he said. Secretary Kerry has joined decades of his predecessors, buying into the latest version of the 30-year old illusion that we can make a deal with the Tehran regime if only we deal properly and humbly with them. He said there was a �window of opportunity� for a couple of months. It doesn�t much matter if he really believes this legend, or is following instructions from President Obama, who is still pursuing this unholy grail despite five years of swift kicks in his behind. The one he so loves to lead with. Either way, it�s an embarrassment.

But then our new secretary of state has great flair for embarrassing us. In Obama�s community of narcissists, Kerry is a bit different. He excels at self-humiliation, as he showed in his recent sortie to Moscow, where Czar Putin kept him waiting for many hours before sparing some time to �discuss� Syria and related topics, no doubt including Iran. As per the British Daily Mail, �Russian President Vladimir Putin kept Kerry waiting three hours before their meeting at the Kremlin on Tuesday and continuously fiddled with his pen as the top American diplomat spoke about the ongoing crisis in Syria.�

I�m told that when Kerry landed in Russia, he was told a) that his hotel rooms weren�t ready, and b) that a military parade made it impossible for the Americans to drive to the Kremlin anyway, so he�d just have to wait. Add two hours (check-in delay at the hotel) to the Mail version.

Many years ago, I traveled abroad on behalf of Henry Kissinger, by then a simple citizen, and I spoke with some important people. I was instructed never to wait more than twenty minutes, and on two occasions I informed the important person�s assistant that I had waited fifteen minutes, and would have to leave in five more. Nothing personal, just a condition of my employment. Both times the important person appeared almost immediately. And I was not a cabinet member, I was a messenger boy of a famous�but former�high U.S. official. But the American secretary of state couldn�t bear the thought of returning to Washington without even talking to Putin, and Kerry waited.
Pooty-poot is not by any stretch of the imagination an idiot. He saw Kerry during Kerry's run for POTUS and he sees him now as Secretary of State. All hat, no cattle. The guy has great hair but he is a feckless moron. Out of touch with reality. Some good comments to read too... Posted by DaveH at May 10, 2013 10:31 PM
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