February 16, 2014

Our Foreign Policy with Iran

Now this is going to be wonderful -- from the Washington Examiner:
Iran ships a dry run for later nuclear/EMP attack; humiliate Obama
Iran's surprising decision to move warships off the Atlantic coast poses a potential catastrophic threat to America from a nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attack, according to an expert who foresaw Iran's move.

Peter Pry, an expert on EMP attacks, said the ships are likely a dry run for a future attack, a maneuver meant to lull Washington into complacency while also embarrassing President Obama and his effort to convince Tehran to give up production of a nuclear bomb in return for a lifting of some economic sanctions.

�Yes, patrols by the Iranian Navy off our coasts could pose threat of a surprise EMP attack,� said Pry, who with others such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, has convinced several state legislatures to take moves to harden their electric and energy grids from EMP attack because Washington won't.

Pry said the ships are probably conducting a test for a future visit from an Iranian freighter that would launch the attack.
This is nightmare #1 for a lot of people. A missile launched from an offshore platform could get 60 miles up and explode before any of our defenses could react. No structural damage with that blast but the EMP would cripple the East Coast's power grid for months and cause untold damage to the economy. I am very sure that we had some very fancy hardware flying near the ship as it 'visited' our waters, still, there is always the element of surprise. This is a very culturally backward society but they are not stupid. And meanwhile, our Sec. State Kerry continues to pursue a path of appeasement to these tyrants all the while they are laughing behind our backs. Posted by DaveH at February 16, 2014 11:21 AM
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