February 15, 2014

Poly (many) + Ticks (blood sucking parasites)

A trenchant observation from Mostly Cajun:
Ticks and Sad Dogs
Growing up in the south, having dogs around was just as much a fact and expectation as the sun rising in the east. and these were country dogs. They lived outdoors. Followed me and brother to the fields and marshes. Followed? Eagerly LED us.

Those fields and marshes were home to ticks. Parasites. A daily meticulous regiment of bathing kept us kids from problems, but the dogs also required regular checking. Ticks are unpleasant. No, make that downright nasty. Parasites. A healthy dog can stand a few. A few more, though, and the dog starts having problems. Too many, and he just goes into a slow shutdown, getting more and more easily tired, enjoying life less and less. His appearance changes, losing that lively, happy bounce. Too many parasites. Shuts down the systems.

Ticks don�t care. all they want is a lifetime of free meals so they can produce more little ticks. ticks are rather short-sighted. they don�t know or care that they�re robbing the host, eventually weakening it and killing it. They just keep eating and producing more little ticks.

As the Scriptures say, �which things are an allegory� (Galatians 4:24)

Society has its own version of ticks. Parasites. It has its own version of the dog. And it has its own version of the owner. And it seems that today, the owners have determined that the ticks are more important than the dog.

The dog�s getting sick.
Reader Mark offers this comment:
How can you possibly be so hateful? Do you not understand that ticks are poor little creatures who are maligned through no fault of their own? Do you actually want them to forsake their culture, the only thing which truly makes them unique? After all, Diversity is our Strength, and these ticks contribute significantly to the diversity of our nation. Furthermore, we have determined that some of these ticks are endangered species, and as such must be protected under our international agreements. Dogs have been privileged for too long. It is time for them to make reparations to the ticks they have ever harmed. And besides, who cares if dogs die in the process? Our security personnel tell me that coyotes are bringing new dogs into the country all the time, and surely the new dogs will be glad to serve the ticks in return for legalization. What a hateful Bible-thumping, gun-hugging, veteran who believes in the Constitution you must be if you oppose equal rights for ticks. May our Mother Gaia soon wipe you from the face of this earth. And if She doesn�t, our security personnel are ready and willing to do so in her honor.

Kwitcher bitchin� and pay up, honky!
All Hail Diversity! If you want more, here is an excellent place to start. Posted by DaveH at February 15, 2014 9:23 PM
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